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Bonita, the Seagull

As we arrived at the beach, a part of the beach we had never been to, i was amazed at the gathering of Seagulls. I have a fondness for them. I felt truly blessed for being in their presence.

Soon enough, they all took flight and the sky felt magic to me. Akirah noticed, however, a Seagull, who stayed grounded and how She was unable to fly. Her wings seemed fine.

It was unanimous, that the beach time we had so looking forward to, was of no importance when a Seagull was badly wounded and needing immediate care. She had exposed fractures in both her legs. I could see that other people did not respond to her as we did, and it hurts. We were there, and that was enough.

Bonita, as i called Her, travelled with us wrapped in a blanket inside a basket to a nearby rehabilitation centre in Monsanto. She was struggling, her mouth was dry. We did not know how long for She was standing in the sun.

I was amazed at Her beauty. Amazed at Her strength. At Her Pain threshhold. At the miracle She is.

Akirah was nervous and in tears. Pedro took on the command stance and shifting from soft hearted to maintain a more «cold blood» approach. I was trying to hold my grounds, as i become emotional at the face of suffering. Why? - Akirah would ask amidst her tears and sorrow for Bonita.

I found myself feeling blessed for the opportunity to care for a nedeed Being. Blessed for the opportunity to make a difference. For Bonita is not just one more Seagull. Bonita is a Seagull. Her life matters. And it matters beautifully....

At the centre, being that it was Sunday, they refused to take Bonita in. I could antecipate Her agony, hours of pain, before anyone could help Her ease it. After much convincing from Pedro, they agreed to lend us a carrier box to carry Her back with us.....«exposed fractures» i kept weeping and angry with disbelief. How come there is not a single person to receive wounded animals on the weekends and give them temporary relief?

At our place, we gave Her fresh fish and water. She allowed Herself to be cared for by us. I thanked Her.

Pedro was relentlessly showing his Loving Care. Akirah was joyous and filled with wonder although highly sensitive. I was bonding with Bonita. I felt so much respect and i felt honored. I was worried too, about the hours to come.

Today, Monday, the 20th of September, Bonita was delievered at the centre by Pedro, my Life companion. She was fully awake, and strong.

Bonita has been on my mind and heart since the moment we found Her. I know we were guided to find Her.

I know there is more to Bonita than what the eye can see. More than what the mind can reason. And more than what the Heart can Sense. It will soon be clear. As we walk the path to Her recovery with Her.

For now, the tightness in my chest has lifted. As i pray to God that She truly is given a chance at the centre.

I Bow. To God, and to Bonita. The miracle She is.

Today, the 21st of September, at 10:10 am, we received news that Bonita was put to sleep. Her wounds did not redeem Her fit to recover and return to, or to survive in Her Natural Habitat.

I am so sorry Bonita.

Soar. High. Above

In Love's arms


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