SHARED HUMANITY, Impermanence and Interdependence!
Have you noticed, have you paid close attention to how many times a day you think about differences and what divides you from others?
If they are family or friends, colleagues or other people closer then it still becomes worse this division, with an excessive emotional load, this comparison almost competitive and that makes no sense!
Impermanence and interconnection are the only certainties we have, and yet we continue in this constant analysis of differences! We forget our Shared Humanity.

I ask you to follow the line of my reasoning and reflection, that instead of thinking about what divides us, our ethnic group or race, our nationality, profession, degree of education, preferences or even gender, characteristics that in reality are much less significant than those that unite us: our humanity (yes, we are all of the same species, the human species!), our human emotions, our common desires to be happy and avoid suffering, the fact that we have all a body and a brain, a human heart, we all have the same frailties and yearnings, the same vulnerabilities, we all have the same to lose!
Despite the appearances and fears of rejection, we are all interconnected, even if we do not want to assume or see!
In today's society where everyone strives to "have more", be it material goods, or "education", or "friends" on social networks (obviously!), At the end of the day, at the end of the week we feel a void, a GAP , this space that has gone missing something!

TIME, with all this we spend the most precious thing we have, TIME.
Believe in this, that all I try to share here is pure andragogy, sharing an adult and human reflection with you my equals, I do not intend in any way to have the presumption and or arrogance to tell you how to live!
In fact, this reflection is product of this, of my constant search to live better, to understand!
So in this "TIME" that we lack the search for immediate pleasures and "that will make us happy", in this time we spend analysing or judging what separates us from others, we forget the shared humanity, which unites us.

The fact is, yes, that the pleasures are important, even short, even material or carnal, also fact that is it, momentary pleasures. We should, as adults and humans, live in this society that we choose to live, and to enjoy them, in moderation.
But in the end, and such emptiness, is also a result of not taking 15 minutes of our day to share, to send a message, make a phone call, or even to pass by the house of a friend, our mother or father, brothers, children, etc. to simply ask how they are? To give that hug that heals and that never happened!? A kiss, say how much we love them or say that despite this rush we all are, that they are and will always be in our heart and mind!
Again, and I know, that after reading the previous paragraph, that you will be thinking, "but they do not!", "If I call, they will start complaining or talking about something else or asking for something!"
It's also true, it all that happens most of the time! But it is not important what they will think or say of negative or the fact of being a phone call, message or short visit!? No matter what they think or say or do, matter before that what we feel and do as constructive and positive, we do it for the common good, for love.

Believe me, you have already felt it like me, that an unexpected arriving message, phone call, kiss or hug from a person with a simple phrase of encouragement, of strength, works miracles!
So, what are you waiting for? I only ask you, for you, for this humanity more and more mischaracterized, do your part! Let's take those 5 to 15 minutes a day to remind ourselves of those who in difficult moments will be there and who share with us the same HUMANITY!
Everything passes, it is the fact of impermanence, everything is connected, it is the fact of interdependence!
Less judgement, more empathy and humanity!
After all, this is our SHARED HUMANITY!
Wishing you a neat and healthy life,
Pedro Proff
Healthy Lifestyle Coaching
"For a Neat Life."
Life Mentoring Method ®
"The Art of Learning to Be Yourself."